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   2010-06-01 ne21 翻译Victor Mallet14000

   发生危机时,太阳能发电的补贴是在容易下手的目标。西班牙的光伏部门的支出激增是另一驱动,2002年以来投资230亿?。为所有可再生能源的补贴年费用去年高达50亿??衲暝蚩纱锒3亿?<BR>  太阳能电池板价格下降,而一些新兴工厂利润飙升,这不利于整个行业的发展。调查人员表示,风能,太阳能发电机生产商注册要求更高的补贴。 西班牙应该避免抛出肮脏的洗澡水与襁褓中的可再生能源。 Thermosolar能源被视为比散装的光伏电池阵列发电更具有竞争力。风能推广已经取得成功,减少了西班牙的能源进口费用,削减了二氧化碳排放量,并鼓励了具有国际竞争力的能源公司的增长。
  The problem is not just that the embattled Spanish government will reduce subsidies for new projects. More serious is the fear that the government will cut agreed subsidies for projects built or under construction.

  Unfortunately for the industry, solar power subsidies are an easy target in times of crisis. There was a surge of subsidy-driven spending in Spain’s photovoltaic sector, with ?3bn invested since 2002 ? a quarter of that in 2008 alone. The annual cost of subsidies for all renewables reached ?bn last year and could hit ?.3bn this year.

  Still, Spain should avoid throwing out the renewable energy baby with the dirty bathwater. Thermosolar energy is regarded as a more competitive source of bulk electricity than arrays of photovoltaic cells. And the promotion of wind energy, in spite of occasional abuses, has been a success, reducing Spain’s energy import bill, cutting its carbon dioxide emissions and encouraging the growth of internationally competitive energy companies.

  Supporting renewable energy through subsidies is not necessarily foolish. But Spain’s experience shows that it needs to be done with more forethought and a better assessment of costs and benefits.


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